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- Zillow Research highlights importance of floor plans
- 84% of buyers think viewing a floor plan as part of an online search is important (58% extremely or very important)
- Scored higher than professional photos (46% extremely or very important)
- Scored higher than watching a video (30% extremely or very important)
There’s lots of places to spend money. The question is how to maximize your spend for the biggest bang for the buck. Our view?
You are not going to win if you can’t execute on the basics. Photos and Floorplans are the basics. The Zillow research confirms buyers want to see the layout of the home in conjunction with photos as the KEY screening tools in their home search.
FloorPlanOnline combines them together in our point & click 2D floor plans, and then allows browsers to dig deeper and explore with our 3D Space Designer. This allows for exploration of what an open concept might look like, virtual remodeling, or just drag and drop furniture to see how the couch might fit in the living room. We take it a step further beyond anyone else and even allow the buyer, and the seller, to claim the home and get a copy of the listing photos and the 2D and 3D floor plans copied into a private HomeDiary account, great as a tool to help manage a new home, or use as a keepsake to visit an old home 5 years down the road.
The photos, tools and presentations that FloorPlanOnline and their incredible photographer, Joel, provide have absolutely helped take our business to the next level this past year. On more than one occasion we have had listings in close proximity of other similar listings in a neighborhood and each time we have drawn much larger crowds to our open houses and garnered much higher selling prices than the others. Having FloorPlanOnline tours to show our clients has definitely helped us land listings, sell homes faster & for more money, and been a wonderful keepsake for our sellers after the closing.