Topic 7.  How to get the tour out there on the Internet so it, and you, get seen.

Publish the Tour – this is the last step but often overlooked.  Once the tour is ready to go live, hit the orange Publish button to get the tour distributed. Go to Stories, select Publishing under Actions and click the the Publish button. Note the Publish button should show under Media, Presentation and other spots if you have not published your tour, so it is kind of hard to miss. 

We also need a valid MLS number in order to do the linking to the MLS for you (not available in all areas).  So go to Publishing and make sure the MLS number is in the field you see next to the MLS you select.  Note you can also change this under Details – see the MLS/Listing Number field.

publish tour

See this video on how to publish and get your tour seen.

 The Tour is your friend. It also wants to be everywhere, so just make sure you publish it.  We can show your brand on the top sites with Brandkeepr, but the tour does need to be published so it can get distributed via the MLS feed.  The unbranded tour is what you need to put into the MLS.  With Brandkeepr, we keep the branded version on the top sites like Zillow.
Besides having the tour on the listing portals like Zillow, how do you get your tour seen?  We create several content pieces for you to use on social media sites, email marketing and more:

  • Video – every tour has a slideshow video.  Your can download this on the Photos/Media page and upload it to Facebook or other sites. Add some text and the tour link, and you have a great little ad for your listing.  Or just paste the tour link in Facebook and it will pull back the default image (you can also use the Share button when you click on the detail pages for your listing).
    • We also have options to create a custom slideshow video with more interesting content and effects and a social media video, great for Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin.
  • Call2Action – every tour has a Call2Action photo (see below for an example), a compilation of photos and the floor plan, if applicable.  Some people print this out on an 8×10 sheet, laminate it and staple it to the sign or put it in the flyer box.  It has the tour link and a QR code so it keeps your listing green when flyers are low.  Hand it out along with the flyer at open houses too.  It shows the floor plan (if applicable) and every 5th photo from the photo gallery.
  • Use Adwerx or other listing advertising service?  Try using the floor plan image or our Call2Action photo as the photo for the ad.  You might be amazed at the results. According to one ad network source, their best performing ad was one that showed a floor plan image of the house.
  • Print the flyer and distribute it to the neighborhood.  They may have friends or family looking to move, and you can showcase the great content you create for the listing.
  • Use text messaging for hot alerts to your clients. Our tour works great on mobile, including the interactive floor plan, unlike the other guys!  You can even see the 3D model of the home.
    446601 call2action branded

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    Good luck and if you have questions or need help we are a call or click away:

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