
Blue Sky Guarantee

The Blue Sky Guarantee.

Don’t let the weather get you, or your tour, down.  Introducing the Blue Sky Guarantee.

With the Blue Sky Guarantee, we guarantee you will get up to 5 exterior photos with blue skies, regardless of what the weather was at the time the photos were taken.  You do not need to do anything, and it will not cost you anything.  Other companies will charge you $25 to add blue sky to one photo.  We do 5, for free!  That is a $125 value!  boom!

See the Difference – View our Blue Sky Samples

Mouseover the photo or tap if on mobile to see the difference.

[baslider name=”BlueSky”]

The blue skies are a great addition to the tour services and why FloorPlanOnline rocks!

Now, some photos may not be suitable for blue sky.  An example – when the view might have mountains and the cloud cover conceals any kind of view of the mountains.  In this case, we would replace the clouds with blue sky, and that may not look realistic.  In this case, just tell us to either not do it at the time of the order, or have us replace the images with the originals, post production, if you do not like them.  We will also instruct our service providers to let us know of specific cases where blue skies should not be used.

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