Research Information
Check out some of the research around the value of photos, floor plans and 3D walkthrough type tours
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- % of Zillow Buyers that rank floor plans as an important content item 84%
- % of Buyers That Want to See the FloorPlan Virtual Tour BEFORE They Visit a Property (per Zillow) 79%
- % of Millennials that would be willing to by a house virtually (per 1000Watt) 64%
- % of Sellers that think their home will be more competitive with 3D tours 99%
- % of sellers that would select an agent that offers 3D Tours 88%
- % of sellers that would switch to an agent that offered 3D Tours 82%
- % Increase to Gross Commission Income Due to Listings with Floor Plans… 26%
FloorPlan & Photo Research
Zillow ranks Floor Plans #1
According to Zillow buyer research from a 2018 study, floor plans were ranked the #1 most important traditional listing content. More important than photos and almost 2 times as important as a property video. Oh, history and information scored high too.
Why do you think Zillow added floor plans to their 3D Home app? They know it will attract more people to their site. Leverage us instead as we keep your brand on your virtual tour on the top sites to lead people back to you, not the Big Z.
NAR Ranks Plans #3
NAR does an annual study of buyers and sellers. We got them to put in the question about the importance of floor plans back in 2017, and guess what happened in 2020? They still ranked #3 behind photos (ranked as most useful) and property details, but the percent of usefulness has increased 29% from 2019 to 2020, where now 67% of buyers ranked floor plans as “very useful.” Research from the UK also ranks floor plans high in terms of valuable website features, and in Europe you pretty much can’t list a property without a floor plan. How long will it take the US take to catch up?

Professional Photos Sell too
As an added bonus, a Redfin study looked at listings with pro vs amateur photos and found that properties with professional photography sold faster and for more money than listings without. With our full service options, you get premium, multi-bracketed photos standard with each tour option. Again, helping you and your clients make more money.
Research on the Sell Side
3D Tours Gets You more Listings
Matterport commissioned a study of 1000 sellers. Here is how 3D content and tours can get you more listings:
- 99% of Sellers THINK 3D Tours make their home more competitive
- 89% of Sellers BELIEVE their home would perform better (sell faster) with a 3D tour
- 88% of sellers would SELECT an agent that offered 3D Tours
- 82% of Sellers would SWITCH to an agent that offered 3D Tours (94% for Gen Z’s)
- 86% of Sellers would RECOMMEND the agent to their friends
You can see the complete study here. We incorporate Matterport, but make it better with the automated walkthrough (it auto-plays and walks the user through the home automatically) and with the other content we create, like HD sized photos, floor plans with photos and our 3D Designer and planner tool. And as our testimonies show, it can get you more listings by being visible on sites like Zillow.
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Research on the Buy Side
3D Tours Gets You Get more Buyers
Here is how 3D content, floor plans & 3D tours can help you sell more effectively from the Matterport study, and others:
- Listings with 3D tours sell 20% faster and for up to 9% more
- According to Zillow, listings with 3D Tours get 53% more traffic and 81% more saves
- 92% of Buyers would be MORE LIKELY TO BUY a listing if it had a 3D Tour
- 90% of Buyers would be MORE INTERESTED in a listing it it had online measurement tools
- 55% of Buyers would BUY SIGHT UNSEEN if the listing had a 3D Tour
- 64% of Millennials (the largest buying group, would be willing to by SIGHT UNSEEN
- 55% of Buyers are leery of a physical property visit due to covid
- 79% of Buyers are more likely to VISIT if it has a floor plan they like
- 71% of Buyers say interactive floor plans help SCREEN properties
- 38% of buyers in this Zillow research PREFER 3D Tours to actual in-person visits while 68% of buyers think 3D tours give a better feel for the space than just photos. 81% of buyers think floor plans help screen homes and photos with floor plans help 74% of buyers.
All of this increases the potential demand for your listing because it expands the universe of who can see your listing to anyone with an Internet connection, likely 60% of whom will be using a mobile device.

Stay Connected. We leverage Matterport to create floor plans and through our HomeDiary integration, the buyer can claim the home and get the photos and 2D/3D floor plans copied into their own private HomeDiary account. NO other tour or home platform enables this kind of functionality, and it is a way the content lives on, compliments of you. If you acquired the buyer, invite them into HomeDiary first, and you become the sponsor on their HomeDiary account.
Request an Office Presentation
We are all Zoom experts now, right? We’ll like our tour, we can hold a virtual office presentation. Please contact us if you would like one of our team members to provide an overview of our platform and services for your office or company.
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