
Get Connected

Social Media (facebook, twitter etc) has been adopted by 2/3 of US adults – Real Estate Agents and Brokers Get Connected to Social Media with FloorPlanOnline.

Introducing a new coaching service by FloorPlanOnline’s resident social media expert Chris Drayer – the Get Connected, Stay Connected Program.FaceBook_48x48Twitter_48x48linkedin_48

Get Connected, Stay Connected is about getting you and your business more exposure online, where 90% of people search for homes. Today, being online is as important, if not more important, than putting a sign in front of the house. You can leverage the power of social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and others to connect with your network, extend that network, and maintain the connection.

In addition, the coaching service will teach you about other sites you really should be using and how you can become a local expert in your area. Many agents are putting 100% of their marketing efforts online, and decreasing their costs dramatically, while increasing their overall business.

To learn more, just complete the email request below and Chris will follow up with you to schedule your first coaching session.

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