
We are currently experiencing an inability to upload videos to the FloorPlanOnline YouTube channel.  This stems from YouTube suspending our account for a “violation of their community guidelines” which is very frustrating given we have not changed anything and have had this channel active for years, and others are doing the exact same thing!  So we are evaluating options and trying to get an explanation from a real person at YouTube, which is proving next to impossible.

The solution for you if you want the slideshow video on YouTube is simply upload the video to your own YouTube channel.  This can be a company or personal channel.  All you need to do is select the My Channel option under the Tour Linking & Distribution section of the Edit Profile options and authenticate using your google account info.  Because of the personal nature of this info, we can’t do this for you.  Check the box to Upload Video to My YouTube Channel and then select the allow button after you select which google account and corresponding YouTube channel you want to use.


Alternatively, we do provide a downloadable video file of the slideshow video.  To access this file, just go to Manage Tours and then click the   Photos & Marketing Tools link and download the video file.  You can then upload the video file to the YouTube channel directly.  You can also email the link to this Marketing Material page to someone else, like an office admin person, for them to do it on your behalf, or to post to the office YouTube Channel (if they do not want to provide you with the google account info).

We apologize for this inconvenience, but it is really out of our hands.  We may just start over with a new channel!

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