Introducing a major enhancement to the Custom Video embed option for the Full Screen HD tour. Now, you can embed up to 4 custom videos!
Previously, you could embed one custom video…but what about the area tour video, or the aerial video, or maybe even a custom virtual tour you want to add to your main FloorPlanOnline tour? Well now you can embed up to 4 videos or other tours if you are using the Full Screen HD Tour viewer! Simply go to Edit Details for any listing (select the Full Screen tour at the top if you want to use the custom video updates) and paste the embed code from any video into the custom video fields. The main video is featured larger on the page, and 3 other videos are displayed below. The user can then use the full screen button to pop the video in full screen, if desired.
You have an option to also show on the unbranded tour version as well….but remember if any video has your branding or contact info, do not show it on the unbranded version. Also, this should work on the iPad version, but it is not supported for the smartphone version at this time.
You can see an example here where we embedded some random videos, as well as a Matterport tour.