
I wanted to thank everyone for the positive and negative feedback on the new tour layout.  Some people love it…some people do not.  Let me address some issues, and resolution to the issues.

1. Floor plan view – first…some people are not seeing the floorplan side-by-side with photos (similar to the old tour view).  The reason is we have a screen resolution detection feature to show a different view to some users based on their computer screen, and right now, it is set to not show the right tour for some users.  We are changing this by the end of this week, so if your screen is 1000 pixels or wider, you will see the floor plan side-by-side with photos.  If your screen is less than 1200 pixels (which is less than 2% of users, per our statistics), then you will see an embedded floor plan view where the photos show on top of the floor plan.  To see your screen resolution on a Windows computer, just right click your mouse on your desktop and then either select Screen Resolution (Windows 7) or Properties, then Settings (Windows XP).

The floor plan side-by-side photos view should look like this screen shot….photo on the left, floor plan on the right.  The floor plan can also be zoomed in.

2. Content window and scrolling. We understand some people may need to scroll to see all the content window.  We are working on making an adjustment to the content window to make it a little smaller if your screen height is 900 pixels or less, which should reduce the need for scrolling.  If you have many toolbars on your browser, you may still have to scroll….but you can disable the toolbar by removing them under VIEW, Toolbars and un-check those you do not need.

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