
Oct 2009 Service Provider Meeting

We held a service provider conference call and meeting on October 20th, 2009. Thanks to all who called in and were able to participate. Due to a phone system glitch, only 10 of us were allowed on the line at a time. As some dropped off the call, others were able to take their place. We have a solution in place for the next meeting and apologize for the inconvenience.

If you were not able to participate or would like a review, you can view the presentation below as well as listen to different parts of the meeting by clicking on any link below the presentation.

Podcasts for Service Provider Conf. Call 10/20/2009

[wpaudio url=”http://floorplanonline.com/new_website/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/floorplanonlinespcalloct09survey.mp3″ dl=”0″] [wpaudio url=”http://floorplanonline.com/new_website/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/floorplanonlinespcalloct09newwebsite.mp3″ New Website Discussion dl=”0″] [wpaudio url=”http://floorplanonline.com/new_website/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/floorplanonlinespcalloct09TourRedesign.mp3″ Tour Redesign dl=”0″] [wpaudio url=”http://floorplanonline.com/new_website/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/floorplanonlinespcalloct09PhotoTalk.mp3″ Photography Discussion dl=”0″] [wpaudio url=”http://floorplanonline.com/new_website/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/floorplanonlinespcalloct09housekeeping.mp3″ Tips and Housekeeping items dl=”0″] [wpaudio url=”http://floorplanonline.com/new_website/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/floorplanonlinespcalloct09StarRateing.mp3″ Star Rating Program dl=”0″] [wpaudio url=”http://floorplanonline.com/new_website/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/floorplanonlinespcalloct09BlogandQs.mp3″ Blog, Q and A dl=”0″]

Virtual REBar Camp

For those of you that have not attended a REBar Camp before, you should give this a try.  It is a national online session…so travel costs are $0…just takes your time.  You can read more about it and sign upby clicking here.

Complete Event Details:

Date: Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

Location: Online Webinars

Time: 9AM – 4PM PST

Registration: Online

Twitter Hashtag: #VREBC

Cost: Free!

You can get full details on the RE BarCamp Website or become a fan of the official Facebook page.


Check out recent news articles and information about FloorPlanOnline.

Today Show mention by Barbara Corcoran. While she mentions “FloorPlans.com” she meant to say “FloorPlanOnline.com” and did clarify this on her website.

Featured Tour Submission Page

Thank you for your interest in requesting your tour as the Featured Tour of the Week.  Please just complete the form below and we will review. Your tour may be the Featured Tour soon!  Thanks and Good luck!

Testimony Submission Page

Thank you for your interest in sending us a testimony.  Please complete the form below and we will review and post your testimony online.  We love to hear how FloorPlanOnline is making a difference in buying, selling and renting real estate….or other potential uses!

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