
Hi FloorPlanOnline Customers.
We wanted to let you know we have made upgrades our servers and some of the underlying code behind what makes FloorPlanOnline work. This was done early Thursday. You may experience some things not working for a period as the server changes are being made. We are working to finalize all the changes and things should be back up running sometime Thursday. We did it on Thanksgiving Day because it has traditionally been a very slow day for the site and tours.

A few known issues.
1. The tour reporting is not displaying information. Working to fix that.
2. Active tours from Feb 2009 may not be displaying correctly. They are currently in the process of being moved.
3. Our system emails are not sending. If you are expecting a tour, please login, go to Manage Orders, and check the tour status. If it says “Ready for Review” then you can click the edit link under Tour Editor to preview or approve your tour.

With the new server configuration, the system should be much faster and it will allow us to do some more advance network activities. So thanks for your patience as we continue to make FloorPlanOnline better

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