
I listened to the virtual rebar camp that is going on today. Some good points…

1. Create a Post, not an email. Each time you have a question or issue, create a blog post…because it adds more content to your site, helps answer other people’s questions, and increases your search engine status! So write the post and then email the person the link to the post. Tell them it was a great question and I thought others would benefit from seeing the answer, so here is the link to the blog post.
2. Hyperlocalizm….focusing in on one area. Your local town, neighborhood, or development, not your entire metro area…it is too big and hard to get to the top.
3. Spacial Match – 2010 technology coming…When people search, they search by city, street and zip code….Lifestyle variables will be added with Spacial match, so add lifestyle content to your site. Example: what is it like to live in your community, pictures, etc…show the lifestyle and how you live it…..
4. Later Music! Get rid of music on website. Google has new tool on search that translates video into text…so music will impact that….
4. Get a zipcode based URL, like livein64152.com or WeatherbyLakeLifestyle.com and sub domain of zip code….google does not care what order it is in.
5. Facebook – 24% of all web traffic is Facebook. 32 minutes on site, 14 page views. Do not put your birth date online….Create a fan page using zip code. Note – realtor.com has a nice little widget that you can add to your Facebook profile page and sidebar. It is free. See more at seemylistings.com.
6. Topics for a blog post. Set up a google alert on a topic. Google will email you the alert. go to www.google.com/alerts to create the alert. Select comprehensive info. Select a daily alert option. Set the alert up for the city you live in. Include the words real estate. Include your name. Create a calendar event to review the alert and write a post. Save them into a Blog Topic folder or Label. Use local keywords.

  • Use Local Keywords for your posts-Use [City] Real Estate in your blog post. If you service multiple cities, rotate the city among your blog posts.
  • [City] homes
  • Add on to the basics for longer keywords, like [city] real estate agents

Where to put the keywords?  Place keywords 3 times in a 350 word post.  Once in the title, once in the first paragraph (preferably the first sentence), and one more anywhere in the blog post.  Also include links in your posts.  You can even link to other pages in your website or other blog posts you might have previously posted, so the search engines look through all of your site.  Adding authoritative links also helps.You can get a free ebook on the topic at www.Leadbosterclub.com free ebook on the topic of blogging….

7. Posterous. What is it?  A really simple blogging platform.  Lets you completely customize the look and feel of the site.  You can also get your own domain name for the posterous site.  You can set up a Posterous site for a buyer or seller.  Create an online diary.  Use the street address.yourdomain to create it for the house on a seller, which then could be given to the buyer.  You can also set up additional contributors.

8. Free Tools. Jing, Gimp (photoshop like), Audacity (sound files), NVU (html editing program), Dropbox (Back-up of large files), Yousendit (email large files), Filwfilla, Alltop (info), Popurl (what is popular), Post Templates (for blog), PDF995, FreeMind, Google (lots of free stuff), email?  Mass awebber is not free but works good.  Get more at www.steverosenbaum.com/million including wordpress plugins.

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