
We now have a Craigslist posting tool that allows you to easily post an electronic flyer into Craigslist. It has a prominent Virtual Tour button as well, to capture the user’s attention and prompt them to view the tour. Note, currently, there is only one template and it does not include the floor plan. We are leaving that for display on the tour itself.

To use the tool, we suggest you first login to Craigslist. If you do not have an account, you can create one at craigslist.org. Then, login to FloorPlanOnline, go to Manage Tours, then click the link for Photos & Marketing Tools. Scroll down to the bottom and look for the button that looks like this.

Then simply copy and paste the html code for the flyer into a Craigslist ad and follow the directions to confirm your ad on Craigslist.

The button will only show for active, published tours.   So you will need to approve and publish your tour first before you go through this process.

We would like to get some feedback on the tool, and what else you would like to see. Please leave a comment or send us an email using the from below.

gtag('config', 'AW-11354002893');
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