
Use our system to create 2D & 3D Floor Plans out of Matterport Scans or any other source file!

  • Trace over the top Floor Plan view in the Matterport 3D viewer or architectural plans, appraisal sketches & more
  • Scale a wall – use the workshop measure tool to get 1 measurement
  • Trace over with high accuracy
  • Get total or individual room square footage
  • Generate clean 2D floor plans
  • Create cool 3D images
  • 3D Model and drag & drop RoomPlanner included
  • Embed the Matterport Showcase tour inside the FloorPlanOnline tour for a complete package!

See a Sample

We can convert a Matterport scan into a 2D & 3D floor plan model, complete with our exclusive 3D space planner, and add it all in ONE Tour.

View our Sample 360WalkThrough Tour

convert matterport into clean 2D and 3D floor plans

Have your own Photography Business?

Join our team!  Create amazing 3D FloorPlans with the FloorPlanOnline Marketing System. Plus leverage our Care, Billing and Production services for floor plan clean-ups, photo editing and agent hand-holding!
Mobile Optimized Tours
It Rocks on the iPad!
Hold your iPad in landscape view, and the content tabs are on top and the content layout is optimized for that view.  Rotate it, and the tabs shift to the side and content shifts for portrait view.  The Interactive FloorPlan also works perfectly, unlike other solutions!  It is the most advanced tour viewer for the iPad. Period.  

See for yourself at http://www.floorplanonline.com/184056


Our virtual tour marketing system includes some amazing tools, including our exclusive 3D FloorPlan functionality.  Easily add FloorPlans, the #2 content item requested by buyers, to any listing!

Photo Gallery & Video

All tours come with an automated slideshow video. Our Full Screen HD Tour now includes big responsive images at full HD 1920×1080!

YouTube Videos

Enhance videos with video clips & agent bookends.  Exact copy is automatically uploaded to YouTub (your channel or ours), with customizable intro and exit slides.

Interactive FloorPlans

Point & Click on hotspots for photos on the FloorPlan view. Works perfectly on mobile. Embeddable code (and WordPress plugin) for agent’s site and more!

FREE 3D FloorPlans

Every FloorPlan Tour now comes with a FREE 3D FloorPlan Model & RoomPlanner. Let buyers plan & visualize their spaces in cool 3D.  Even Create 3D snapshots for FREE!

Customizable Brochures

Over 15 customizable templates, many with floor plans built-in (if applicable) to use for offline and online marketing. Import to xpressdocs. See Sample.

Mobile Friendly

View on smartphones & tablets via same tour link. QR code included.  Optimized for the iPad. See Sample

Tour Syndication

Link tour and Call2Action photo to MLS, Trulia, Realtor.com (FREE) and YouTube.  Distribute tour via Listhub or networks for free. Craigslist Poster and east to post to Zillow.

Tour Reporting

Visits, Visitors, Referring sites and more.  Email tour reports on a scheduled basis.


Our exclusive Brandkeepr technology converts unbranded to branded for maximum Lead opportunities. Easily adjust sites for maximum exposure!

Lead Capture

Event-based Lead Capture turns floor plans into lead machines! Our unique Call2Action Photo gets more clicks from more places too!

Social Media Tools

Facebook app, post to social networks, and HomeDiary, our new  Home Management platform for Homeowners, coming soon.

Featured Listing Page

View all listings on single page with agent branding, or embeddable on agent websites.

More with Subscription
Subscribers can draw 2D and 3D floor plans for just $10 a listing.  Also get embeddable code & a WordPress plugin that allows for easy tour embedding. This keeps users on your site and increases your SEO benefits!

You can also upload listing documents, use floor plan images as is, embed custom videos or other tours (like a Matterport 3D Tour or a Vimeo video), and add links to local sites to really customize your tour.

[fpotour emt=”popover” bgc=”ffffff” ftc=”0c004b” bnm=”PB” tbs=”01111111″ swi=”3″ oid=”184056″ mtp=”0.80″ uid=”VBNIQN3T” wid=”800″ hid=”500″]

click above button for embedded tour!

Compare Plans

Pay as you need a tour with Pay Per Tour, or get advanced functionality with our subscription plan, including the ability to draw and enhance your 3D FloorPlans! 

*Starting price. FloorPlan oriented services vary by price and by area. Please use our Price Calculator to calculate an estimate for your area.

Brokerage or Company Discounts

Do you have multiple agents you want to sign up for our paid subscription plan? We offer volume discounts! The more agents that sign up, the cheaper it is for all of you! Please Contact Sales at 866-810-3816, option 2 to inquire about our subscription plan for Brokerages & Companies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our FAQs.  Have more questions?  Send us an email using the form below, or call us at 866-810-3816, option 2 for Sales.

Visit our support center to view more detailed FAQs.

Have a Question?
Please use this form to send us a question.

  • Please select the main topic for your question

Contact Customer Care

Thank you for your interest in FloorPlanOnline.

Please use the form below to send us an email, use the search from to browse our interactive Knowledge Base, or you can always call us at 866-810-3816, option 3.  Please have your order ID or MLS number handy, if you have one. Telephone Support M-F, 9 am to 7 PM EST.  Email support over the weekends & winter may have shorter hours.

Coverage & Price Calculator

How do I sign up?
Just select the Sign-Up button at the top of this page.  You will be placed into the registration page specific to your referring company. If you want to create a company account underneath your referring company , please first create a regular account and then contact us to convert it to a company account.

How do I manage accounts & tours?
We have a robust order management system where you can create tours, draw floor plans for listings and edit the photo and video sequence, transitions and more.  You can even use our flyer creator to customize flyers that match your colors and branding.  Then upload the flyer to xpressdocs and have it printed right to your door.  You can see all of your tours in one account. Need a company account?  We can convert your account to a company account, which allows you a global view and admin presence for all accounts in your brokerage or company.  You can create sub accounts for agents and place and manage tours, all within one account.  Each agent gets their own account, branded with their photo, logo and contact info.  We can even set it to where the company pays for all services, or a hybrid method, where we bill the company for the base subscription fee, and agents pay for all upgrades.  Contact Sales to discuss options.

How do I add FloorPlans to my Listings?
We have several options for paid accounts:

  1. Upload a plan image you have and use as is for no additional fee as a Subscriber.
  2. Use our drawing tool to draw the plan online.  Just $10 a listing.  The tool allows you to upload a background image and trace over it.  This is a great self service option as you can save a lot of money if you get a marketing brochure, the top view of a Matterport scan or an appraiser’s sketch and do it yourself.
  3. Upload a sketch or architectural plan, appraisers sketch or Matterport top view scan and we can clean it up for you – just $30 as a subscriber or $69 for a Pay per Tour

Pricing varies by option.  See our Price Calculator to calculate your estimate!

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