
3D Room Planner is Here!
In the spring of 2010, we introduced the free RoomPlanner tool that allows visitors to drag and drop home furnishings onto the floor plan. We’ve taken it a step further and now offer a 3D RoomPlanner, where you can even color the walls.

The 3D upgrade is $20. If you’d like to upgrade your tour to include a 3D RoomPlanner, please send an email to orders@floorplanonline.com or call Customer Care at 866-810-3816 option 3. Please reference you order ID or MLS number and we’ll get right on it.  We will add it as an official upgrade in the near future.

To see a live tour sample please click here choose the RoomPlanner icon on the left and when the floor plan opens, click on the 3D box in the upper right corner.

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