

Are you a brokerage, mortgage company, title company, home improvement company or other business that would like to sponsor tours for your agents or customers?  We have a program for you.

sample tour

With the FloorPlanOnline Sponsorship program, you can create sponsor codes and provide them to your agents or customers.  You can sponsor a percentage or a dollar amount of each tour.  The Sponsorship tool allows you to create one-time or multi-use codes as well.  You get billed for your ratable share of the tour at the the time the tour is produced.

Fine Homes programs – many of the top brands are using our sponsorship process to sponsor tours that are part of a fine homes program.  With the use of the sponsor code, the billing for the tour is directed back to the company, not the agent.  So, you are in control of when you sponsor a tour.   Other charges, such as upgrades, are billed to the agent’s credit card directly.

Ready to Sponsor? Click here to register as a sponsor account.

Need more information? Just complete the form below and we will follow up with you.

Tweet Privately Now!

Twitter launched a built in tool that makes private conversations on Twitter possible. Most people use Twitter for comments and questions that are relatively public. Tweets can be seen by followers and easily found when searched. Sometimes you may not want the world to know about your tweet, and it is intended for one single person – like “Billy, Do you want to meet at Goose Island Brewery after work for a beverage?” Twitter created Direct Messages (known as a DM) to be a private tweet that is not seen by all your followers. In a way Twitter DM’s are more like email than Twitter. You still have to limit your message to 140 characters, however you can save delete or privately respond like a good old fashioned email.

FloorPlanOnline Direct Message image on Twitter

FloorPlanOnline Direct Message image on Twitter

DM’s are easy to use. When you write a tweet that is intended for one person include a “D” to start the message followed by the persons Twitter name and then the message. So my example from above looks like:
“D @billyblob Do you want to meet at Goose Island Brewery after work for a beverage?” The message will be privately delivered to Billy. I would improve the message and include a link to Goose Island Brewery, so Billy can learn more about the place. @gooseisland is the Goose island Brewery twitter name, so I would insert it in to the direct message like this:
“D @billyblob Do you want to meet @gooseisland after work for a beverage?”

There is a second way to send a Direct message that may make the process more easy to use. From your twitter page, click “Direct Message” on the right side of your screen. You will see the words “Send _______ a direct message”. A drop down box at the top of the screen that allows you to select individuals from your Follow list. Select their name and enter your message, then click “send”.

Following all your direct messages can get a bit tricky using the simple but effective built in Twitter tools. To manage my twitter Ive been using Tweet Deck or @tweetdeck. Its a quick Download at http://www.tweetdeck.com/ that allows you to view messages in movable columns. I follow my DM’s in one collum, my mentions (where someone includes @fpo in a message) in another and then can track trending topics or conversations in several other columns. Tweet Deck allows for easy to follow DM tools. Simply mouse over the avitar (photo) of whom you wish to DM, look for the envelope icon (it is the icon for a DM in Tweet Deck) to pop up and click it.

Try posting your FloorPlanOnline Tour to Twitter using the blue “T” button at the bottom left of the tour. Send a DM with the tour link to the seller, so they can share the tour link on twitter with their network!

If you would like to test your new DM skills, Tweet a direct message Hello to D @FPO
Tweet ya later!

Tour Gallery

This page shows different examples of how you can use FloorPlanOnline. It is an also an example of the Featured Listing page that comes with every account! Just go to Manage Orders and click the “view” link under Marketing Materials to see your Featured Listing button. You can easily add a link to all your tours just by copying/pasting the link on your website!

To see a sample tour, just click the Virtual Tour icon.

Business Opportunities

We are looking for entrepreneurial individuals with sales and management skills that are capable of building relationships with local Real Estate professionals.  We offer reseller opportunities both in the United States as well as Internationally.

United States Reseller Program. The FloorPlanOnline Reseller program is not a franchise.  In the U.S., we license our virtual tour platform to you on a non-exclusive basis, and you pay for the tours created through the system as needed. There is a minimal set-up fee and maintenance fee, and then a per tour fee to create each tour.  You bill your customer based on your pricing and any other services you may want to add on.  That is it.  We do not charge a royalty on other services you may offer your customers.  You buy from us and you charge and bill whatever you want to your customers.  FloorPlanOnline provides training and support to help you start a successful business operation.

International Licenses available! We also license the complete FloorPlanOnline platform on a country by country basis.  It is a complete turn-key operation with exclusive rights to use the FloorPlanOnline name and system in a particular country.  If you are interested, please contact Kris Cone at kris@floorplanonline.com for 206-384-4400, ext 101, for more information.

How the Reseller Program works. Process wise, you simply take the photographs, draw a raw sketch of the floor plan, upload them to us.  We clean up your floor plan, create and host the tour and feature your branding along with your customers branding.

Interactive Floor Plan & Interactive Photo Tours Feature:

  • Still photos converted to flash video with music, text and transitions
  • Editable flyer with high resolution version
  • Contact agent, email tour, reporting, save to PC/burn to CD, featured listing page
  • Branded and unbranded tour links with automatic linking to Realtor.com and  select MLS systems
  • Marketing materials that include embeddable links for agent websites and photo download page
  • FloorPlan clean-up or creation – tap into our production and service network
  • Photo editing and processing
  • Social networking linking with the click of a button
  • Easy-to-use proprietary virtual tour software.
  • Virtual tour Order management system

Equipment you need to be successful:

Computer (preferably laptop or TabletPC) with minimum of 120 GB hard drive and high speed internet access
Digital camera outfit with a minimum of 6 MB pixel sensor:
External “bounce” flash attachment
Wide angle lens – minimum of 24mm (effective in 35mm cameras) or  wider.  Preferred lens is in the 10-20mm range
Tripod for camera

Recommended camera models:
Canon Digital Rebel Xi, 20D, 30D, 40D or Nikon D40x, D50, D60 and Sigma, Tamron, Tokina, Canon, Nikon brand lenses in the 10-20mm lens range

If you have interest or questions about becoming a FloorPlanOnline Reseller, please call us at the number below or send us an email using the contact form:

866.810.3816 x-109.

Why Your Company Should Syndicate Listings

There has been a lot of discussion about virtual tour companies syndicating tours to companies like Google, Yahoo, Trulia, Zillow, etc.   When it comes down to it, the real estate broker/company really should be doing this work for you, the agent.   According to Spencer Rascoff of Zillow, they put a hierarchy on listing syndication, in the following priority:

  1. Agent Posted Listings
  2. Office (Broker) Posted Listings
  3. National Office Posted Listings
  4. MLS Posted Listings
  5. Virtual Tour Company/Other Syndicator of Listings

So, as a virtual tour company, we are put at the bottom, and rightfully so.  The Office (Broker) or national company should have the most up to date listings along with your branding information (name, logo, contact info, etc).   If an MLS posts a listing to one of these national real estate sites, it will likely not have your info. PLUS, if they do include a virtual tour link, it is likely the unbranded virtual tour that does not have your info on it.   If we as a virtual tour company post the linking, it is not synchronized with the MLS, which can cause problems.

We can help.   If your broker or company needs help doing listing syndication to various sites, we have a team of technical experts that can help.   We could even do some of the development for you.   Also, it is important to include as much information as possible in your feed, including any virtual tour links.  I know in talking with Zillow, you can include virtual tour links into the data feed to them.   Ditto for Google Base.

Kris Cone

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