
Hi FloorPlanOnline Customers!

Well, the dust has settled from our weekend release of the new tour.  The release went surprisingly well….probably one of the best releases we have ever done in terms of few issues and the issues getting fixed quickly.   I did want to point out a few things that have come up today regarding the new tour and tour conversion.

1. Portrait vs Wide-screen View. Depending on your screen resolution, you may see a little different content view for photos, video and the floor plan.  If you have a screen resolution of 1024 pixels wide or less, you should see the “Portrait” version of the tour, which has photos in a 4:3 aspect ratio (similar to the old TV size before we had wide-screen TVs) and the Floor Plan View is the embedded floor plan vs the side by side floor plan view.  We have set it up this way because the content would have to be very small or it will run off the page to the right.  So to provide users with these screen resolutions the best view, we alter what they see to the Portrait view.  Users with screen resolutions larger than 1024 will see the Wide-screen view which has photos in a 3:2 aspect ratio (what most digital SLRs shoot today) and 16:9 photos will be supported with an ability to mouse around the photo.  In addition, the Floor Plan View will have the photos (here they are in a 4:3 aspect ratio) side by side with the floor plan, similar to the old tour view.  You can always change a Portrait version to a wide-screen by adding &ws=1 to the end of the tour lnk, such as www.seetheproperty.com/presentation_v2/presentation.php?order_id=61383&mode=branded&ws=1 ….so if you do see the portrait version, you can see how the Wide-screen will look.

We have noticed that on some computers, the widescreen version is not showing up as the default view when it should be…the Portrait version is, so that is something we are working to fix.

2. FloorPlan/Photo Icon issue for tours created between April 15th and April 30th. For tours produced between April 15th and April 30th, we have done some work to ready the floor plan for the new tour by making a version of it in Flash, so it can be zoomed in if it is used in the new tour.  Right now, if you convert a tour produced during this time frame to the new FPO 2.0 format, the floorplan on the tour is automatically changing to this flash version.  This causes all of the photo icons on the floor plan to be mis-placed because it is a different size and file type.   Therefore, be aware that if we convert the tour, the photos may need to be repositioned.  You can do this for free or we can do this for the $20 conversion fee – if this issue was brought up to you before the conversion.   We are working on a fix here.

3. Content Area View-ability. On some computers you may not be able to see the complete content area without scrolling.  We are aware of this issue and are working on a fix to adjust the size of the content window if your vertical screen resolution is 900 pixels or less.  We will make the content area  a little smaller so it fits on the screen without scrolling.

4. Some Internet Explorer Issues. On some computers, the Photos and Video may not load…you may get a blank area.  It appears to be an issue with Adobe Flash.  The simple fix is go to www.adobe.com and download the most recent version of Flash.  Install the update, close out your browser window, and then open it up again and try the tour.  This seems to fix the problem.   We are investigating what changed, as it was fine last week….this could have been caused by a recent Windows Update.   The tour works in Firefox, Chrome and Safari.  Go figure…another issue with Microsoft software???

We have had some great comments so far.  Please send us comments, testimonials, complaints and more!


-Kris Cone

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