
Posts from the Blog

Tweet Privately Now!

Twitter launched a built in tool that makes private conversations on Twitter possible. Most people use Twitter for comments and questions that are relatively public. Tweets can be seen by followers and easily found when searched. Sometimes you may not want the world...

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How to Create an Effective Video

Based on a recent survey, we received several comments about the video. So, I thought I would share some ideas on how to make a really effective video.  We will also work to change how we do some things in production so what you get as a draft has some of these things...

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Get More Listings & Sell Better

Use FloorPlanOnline to GET MORE LISTINGS, MAKE MONEY & SAVE TIME! It's no secret that print advertising is being eclipsed by Internet advertising, and for good reason..It's simply more effective and less expensive!  Not to mention newspapers are going the way of...

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Why you should be on Zillow

I attended the Seattle REBar event yesterday, and listened to Spencer Rascoff of Zillow talk about why real estate agents should put their listings on Zillow.   I agree it makes sense, and here are the main reasons. 1. They are a top 1 or 2 real estate site now with...

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