
Here is an interesting blog post from comScore –  2012 U.S. Digital Future in Focus a report detailing how fast the tablet market is growing,  and how it has zoomed passed the growth lines of other tech tools.  According to PewInternet, the number of eReaders and tablet users DOUBLED between mid-December and January of 2012.  Wow…a popular holiday gift, it seems.

PEW Research Center

As it stands now, there are over 35 million tablets in use in the United States, some 19% of adults own some kind of tablet.  Mobile use is also increasing.  Companies like Zillow and Realtor.com also report a significant number of users over the weekends come from mobile devices.  According to comScore, 20% of holiday shoppers used their smartphones to check prices while at a brick and mortar store.  This includes scanning bar codes and QR codes, those funny looking square boxes we have on our property fliers.   BestBuy and other retailers are starting to incorporate the use of QR codes more and more at the point of sale….so could QR codes be hitting the mainstream?

Luckily, FloorPlanOnline has tools to meet these growing demands.   We recently launched our exclusive iPad Tabbed Tour.  You can see most tour content, including the interactive floor plan, video and more, just by opening the tour up on your iPad.  You can even connect your iPad to a TV connected to an Apple TV to show it off on the big screen.  Pretty cool.  Read more on that here.  P.S. it works on other tablet devices too.

We also serve up a mobile tour for smartphones so the user can see basic listing content, including an image of the floor plan.

Finally, we automatically create a QR code for each listing. You can easily add it to any flyer and it is available as a download under marketing tools in your account.  This helps reduce paper costs by allowing people to scan the code on your flyer in a flyer box for more info.

We are also exploring more advanced mobile tools….so stay tuned!

If you would like to see the comScore report, please see this video.

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