
Exciting News!  One new cool feature of the new floor plan drawing tool with real-time editing is the ability to generate photo-realistic images of floor plans, right within your account.  Just edit the plan how you want by adding in more details and features, like beds, couches, rugs and more, save your changes, and then select the 3D Render option under the Share icon.   Enter in your email, pick a size of the image and the plan orientation, and add a top color to the walls, if you want.   You will get some images like this view below.   Pretty cool!

[fpotour emt=”popover” bgc=”A19387″ ftc=”ffffff” bnm=”PB” tbs=”11111111″ swi=”3″ oid=”11406″ mtp=”0.80″ uid=”Y4XQRL14″ wid=”700″ hid=”530″]

PS. we also added a link called Corrections & Notes, which takes you to the old plan editing tool…if you are more comfortable with that.  But we highly encourage the new Edit FloorPlans tool because you can change text, add a missing door or window, save, and update your tour, flyer and more within minutes!  No more waiting!

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