
Add all of your videos to your YouTube Channel…quickly & easily

Due to some changes made by Google, who owns YouTube, you now have to authenticate your YouTube account with FloorPlanOnline in order for us to automatically upload your Tour video files into your own YouTube channel.  If you are just uploading to our YouTube channel,  you can ignore the rest of this news post.youtube_authentication

Why the Change? Originally, you logged into YouTube with a user name and password you created when you signed up for YouTube.  Google has now completely integrated YouTube with the rest of the Google services, and they have eliminated the separate YouTube user name.   It is now your Google login.   Because the Google login also provides access to your email and other Google services, Google has implemented a “Facebook-like” authentication process for 3rd party websites, like FloorPlanOnline.  All you need to do is allow access, which is the virtual handshake between our two sites, and the account is authenticated.

A few steps to do this.

1. You need to be logged into Google – either YouTube, your Google+ or your Gmail account.  Do this in the same browser you are using to access FloorPlanOnline.

2. In your FloorPlanOnline account, go to Edit Profile and then click the Edit Tour Linking & Distribution button.

3. Under the Automated Website Distribution Service section, check the box to link toMy YouTube Channel.   Once you check the box, a new window will pop from Google asking you to allow access.  Click the blue button.

4. If you want the change to apply to all of your videos, just select the Yes option.

5. Go to the bottom and save.

That is it.  Each time you create a video and Approve/Publish it, we will upload the video to your YouTube channel.  Note, videos do get queued up in our video server, so there can be a delay of up to several hours depending on the time of day.   If you mark the status of the listing as sold or off market, the video is automatically removed from YouTube.  If you want to manually manage this, then just download the video under the Marketing Center (the Photos & Marketing Tools link under Manage Tours), and you can upload to YouTube manually.

Note either way, you can do some edits of the video, like add call outs, once it is on YouTube.  If you want to show this YouTube video back on your tour, you can do that too….just use the YouTube embed code and paste it into the custom video section on your tour (not applicable to the 1.0 tour).





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