
Ukraine needs your help.

If you would like to support either the Ukrainian soldiers fighting the fight of freedom, perhaps for the world, or help displaced FloorPlanOnline production and development personnel and their families, we have links to a couple of funds created.  There is also a link to UNICEF and a petition for a no fly zone. All donations go directly to the people that need the help most, including Dmitry and his daughter who has a leukemia-like blood disease that requires expensive treatment and medicine.  We appreciate you sharing with as many people as possible.


No Anticipated Service Impacts.

We have a long history with Ukraine – we have a production and development team located in the country, thankfully over 4 hours away from Kyiv (and in the opposite direction of Russia), but nonetheless, our people there are certainly going through something we as Americans will likely never see.  We have diversified our production capabilities over the years to where we actually have more people that can produce tours outside of Ukraine than inside – over 150 people available outside of Ukraine. In fact, we have people in 5 other countries that are working on producing virtual tours, and we are looking for another location so we can increase our production capacity and close the production gap we currently have in the late afternoon. So operationally, we do not expect any impacts, and we actually look to increase our turnaround speed for the busy season with 24/7 production. We have even expanded options recently, adding custom services such as virtual staging and voiceovers.

This is what a leader looks like…


If you have not seen it, you should watch the video of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appealing directly to the Russian people.  His wife is a screenwriter.  I wonder if she wrote it, as I regard this as one of the finest speeches I have ever heard.

The Faces of FloorPlanOnline Ukraine

Click to see some of the people behind creating some of the great content for FloorPlanOnline as well as developing the best platform for the home.

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