
We are pleased to announce the support of basic tour functionality for the Apple iPad! This complements the existing support for iPhones, Androids and most other smart phones. This is version 1.0. It is not an exact replica of the web based tour because the iPad (or iPhone) does not support Adobe’s Flash, which is the technology our web tour currently uses to display content. We are working on re-coding our tours to work completely on the iPad in the next few months, so stay tuned! The content that is visible for Apple-based devices include photos (slide-show with swipe enabled), floor plan images, YouTube video, printable materials (the same PDFs that are on the tour, so anyone can print them with a print app installed), area map, and agent contact info. A screen shot is below, or just go to www.111anystreet.com on a mobile device to see the functionality.

Over the next month or so, we are working to add complete tour support. For Android devices that support flash (most newer devices, including most tablets based on the Android operating system), you can actually get full tour support today. We hope you enjoy the enhancement, and as always, we welcome your comments!
iPad Tours now supported

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