
We just released an enhancement to our cool new embeddable tour widget – a WordPress Plugin! The plugin makes it easier to add your tour content to your WordPress powered website. There are no configuration options for the plugin on your WordPress site.  Just follow the instructions below to add the plugin to your site, and then all configuration options for the tour content are done within your FloorPlanOnline Account.

If you do not have a website powered by WordPress, you can ignore this whole post!

Plan as a Button

We also added a new option to show the actual floorplan image of the listing as the button for the pop-up tour, so you can put some “eye candy” on your site.  Try it here by clicking the image. 

[fpotour emt=”popover” bgc=”ffffff” ftc=”0c004b” bnm=”PB” tbs=”01111111″ swi=”3″ oid=”62568″ mtp=”0.80″ uid=”N28N588C” wid=”700″ hid=”530″]

This enhancement is a great way to showcase your listing content, keep users on YOUR site, and give buyers what they really want to see – FloorPlans!

[pb_videoshowcase group=”7″]

Help Video

You can view the help video on how to use the embeddable content widget by clicking this image (or go to Help Videos under Support).

There are a few steps to get started

1. You need to first download the WordPress plugin. You can download it here (or there is a link on the Embedded Content page in your FPO account).

2. Go to your WordPress admin login, select Plugins and Add New.   Find the plugin you just downloaded (probably will go to your Downloads folder on your computer), and then upload it to your website, then Activate it.

3. Login to your FloorPlanOnline account, go to Manage Tours, and then click the Photos & Marketing tools link to get to the Marketing Center. Then click the Embeddable Tour Content button.

4. Once there, check the box to Use on a WordPress website, configure how you want the content to show, and then just copy and paste the short code into your page or post where you would like the button or the tour content to show. IMPORTANT – Select the HTML tab right above the post or page content BEFORE you paste the short code….if you do not, then WordPress may add additional information to the code that will not make it work properly.  Also, some plugins may conflict with our plugin.  Right now, we are aware that the Shortcodes Ultimate plugin causes our plugin for the embeddable tour to not work.  We are looking to fix this, but just disable plugins and refresh your page if you have this problem, and notify us of the plugin causing the problem and we will review for a potential fix.
5. When ready, hit Publish.  The short code should display the content in your site. More instructions about how to edit the content options are on the Embeddable Content page.



gtag('config', 'AW-11354002893');
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