
New help videos have been added to our help video library.  Click here to see our Help Videos.  I would like to highlight two videos that are very common customer care issues.  We hope the videos will help!

First, how to download and save photos to your computer, for use on your MLS or for your own marketing brochures.  Click to see this video.  Note, we are very interested in helping make your life easier…we do automated tour linking, and in a few cases, we upload photos, to the local MLS.  If you would like us to pursue this with your MLS, we are more than happy to do that, but you first need to contact your MLS and see if they allow it.  If not, ask them if they would be willing to work with us to do automated tour linking and photo uploads.   If they say “NO,” go higher up the chain….  🙂

Second, how to customize your tour and flyer colors to match your branding.   We suggest using the browsers Firefox or Chrome because both of these have free plugins you can install that will tell you the color code of anything on a web page.  Just click the video to see how you can customize the colors to exactly match!

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