The 1-Page handout is great for your office or your sellers. It is a simple one pager that showcases some different screen shots of the new tour view. Download
The Agent handout is something you can download and print to hang up at your office. If you like what we do for you and your listings, please share it with your co-workers. We would REALLY appreciate that!!! Download
The Seller handout is something you can print and bring with you to a listing presentation. We tried to make it generic enough for this purpose. If you need something different, let us know and we can try to add it to the list. Download
Tradeshow Poster 24×36 If you are going to a trade show, agent meeting or just want a really larger print out of the FloorPlanOnline Tour, download our poster. You can then take it to a local printer and get it printed on a foam board backing. It is a great visual aide tool. Download
The numbers are in and the iPhone and Android OS provided by Google are increasing their market share at the expense of companies like Motorola and RIM. I hear the iPhone will soon have an MLS key application…then it will be the killer real estate agent tool!
According to comScore, of the 234 million cell-phone users over age 13 in the U.S. in the fourth quarter, Motorola-manufactured hardware dominated the market of all mobile users. Among smartphone operating systems, Research In Motion (“RIM”) had the largest smartphone market share at 41.6 percent. But the real competition heating up is between Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android system, which both had slight gains. The iPhone now sits at 25.3 percent of the smartphone market share. Android increased to 5.2 percent in December, although its share was still the lowest.
Check out the Stevens Estate, a $16+ million listing in New Jersey. This property was featured on a metro NYC NBC station over the past weekend. The property is listed by Erica Levey of Weichert Capital Properties.
I was looking through the 2009 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers research report published by the National Association of Realtors, and I thought I would share some interesting information.
1. What website features buyers value. 97% of buyers thought photos and detailed property information were helpful (not sure what the other 3% are thinking here…?). 89% thought virtual tours were helpful. I would like to think if they all saw a FloorPlanOnline tour, that number would be close to 100%! I would also like to point out that other companies have done research around online content, and several studies have indicated that Photos score the highest in terms of essential content and floor plans score #2! So, if your listing does not have its Floor Plan Online….it should.
2. More and more Buyers are Online to search. The first step taken by far in the home buying process was go online to look for properties for sale – 36% listed this as the first step taken. This was double the next highest action, which was contact a real estate agent (18%).
In addition, 90% of all buyers used the Internet to search, while 93% of first time buyers used the Internet. Again more than any other source. In the key buying group of 25 to 44 year olds, 96% of the respondents used the Internet to search.
3. Websites used in the Home Search process. The most used site by far was the multiple listing service (MLS) website. This could be a factor that agents typically email listing info to their buyers, so it is pushed to them. Some MLSs have their own consumer oriented search site…but I know some do not. The total list of websites used by Buyers (percentages are for All Buyers surveyed):
MLS – 60%
Real Estate Company website – 46% – 46%
Real estate agent website – 45%
Other websites with real estate listings (Trulia, Zillow, etc) – 30%
For Sale by Owner websites – 17%
Newspaper website – 9%
Real Estate Magazine website – 4%
Social media websites (Facebook, MySpace, etc) – 1%
YouTube – <1%
It is interesting to note that the types of sites used by different age brackets did not differ much at all. The top site for all groups was the MLS, followed by the company site and Also, there is a lot of hype about social media and YouTube…but this is not necessarily translating into buyers using these sites for searching. For example, between the age groups of 18 to 24 and 25 to 44, only 1% said they used social media websites. The 45 and over crowd said less than 1%. Surprisingly, 2% over 65 said they used YouTube, while all the other age groups responded with less than 1%. Now, this does not mean there is no value to social media or YouTube…these outlets just need to be used in the right way and for the right reason. I also think there is some search engine benefit to posting content on these sites. Note…we will address the YouTube video posting issue in 2010. 🙂
4. The Internet is getting results. 36% of respondents FIRST found the home they purchased via the Internet search. This was the same as through a real estate agent, and up from 32% last year. No other source was higher. Print newspaper was down to 2% now….ouch. Also, 77% of buyers drove by or viewed a home after finding it online, while 61% walked through the home. Another interesting stat – 28% found the agent they used to buy the home online. There was also a high correlation in people that used the Internet to search and those that used an agent to buy – 79% used an agent to buy.
Implications – I think what all of these stats boils down to is YOU need to be online and you need to have the best online content for your listings, because chances are, if you make an impression online, you are going to get a buyer to call you, drive by or tour your listing. The first step is getting the right content. People want to see photos and floor plans. All the other fancy stuff like spinning 360s, deep zoom, property videos with voice over has actually scored lower on the desirability scale. In some cases, like voice over and music playing when you first open a tour scores negative. People want to see the essentials quickly and easily.
The second step is get this content distributed to the KEY places people search. Your virtual tours need to be linked to your MLS (use the unbranded link – in many markets we do this for you automatically), on (we link the tour for you automatically….and it is FREE if you are a Showcase member), your company website and your website/blog. This will get you 95% or more there. You can then use our tools to link the tour to your Facebook site, Twitter, and more. has a nice Facebook widget to add your listings to your Facebook profile. We also are posting listings to Google Base now. We will be working to add more sites like Zillow, Trulia, Craigslist, etc. in the coming months (however you can do this now manually).
In addition, talk to your company IT people about posting the company tours to Zillow, Trulia and others. As part of this make sure your virtual tour links come through with the data feed. Most if not all of these sites can include the virtual tour link…but the company needs to send it along. As I stated in a previous post, your company should really be posting tours to these other websites….There is a hierarchy Zillow and others use, and companies like us are the last on the list. So if we link a tour to Zillow, for example, and your company pushes the listing there, it will push our link off…and if the company info does not include the tour link, your tour will not get exposure on Zillow. So, push your company to post listings to these other website portals and make sure the virtual tour links are included. You paid good money for the content and you deserve the most exposure!
All for now…time for the weekend. Thanks for reading
I am very pleased to announce that one of our long standing FloorPlanOnline customers (actually, THE FIRST customer in the US, since she is my mother!) was honored last week as the 2009 Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors Salesperson of the Year! Congratulations Linda!
Linda is an agent with Reece and Nichols in Kansas City. She has used FloorPlanOnline from the beginning….so I would like to think we had something to do with her success, but I am also sure her hard work and dedication to her clients and community contributed to receiving this great award! Linda can be found online at (note, this site is something I put together for her using WordPress… is a great tool for real estate agents. Contact me if you want more info).
We found out last week when we are all vacationing in Maui as a family. I took a video (using my iPhone, so not the best) of the announcement by Catherine Clark, Linda’s broker. Just play the video below to see more (Hawaii was awesome, by the way… :)).
If you have news about you or someone else that uses FloorPlanOnline, we would also love to hear from you. Just email us and we can create a blog post and possibly even create a press release to mutually benefit both of us!
Hi FloorPlanOnline users.
I wanted to give you a sneak preview of a floorplanner tool we are working on and get your thoughts. Can you review the tool below and then complete the poll on what you think. We are working to bring this, and some other exciting enhancements, to our tours soon. The embedded version is below, or Click Here to see the full screen version (so the icon library is not over the plan as in this embedded version).
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