Lake Home Tour with Voiceover

Lake Home Tour with Voiceover

Weatherby Lake Waterfront!!!

Weatherby Lake, MO

 See The Story of This Home

This Spotlight Tour features the lakefront home of Marlin & Linda Cone.  Some of you may know Marlin, as he was one of the co-founders of FloorPlanOnline and performed a sales role for many years before going back to real estate.  It’s a special listing, in part because of the great memories the property has provided the Cone Family over the last 20+ years, but also because we customized the slideshow video with some video clips, text slides and a voice over that was generated from a text script. The base video is right out of the FloorPlanOnline video engine.  So things like the text explainer slides and video clips are something anyone can add in a few clicks.  The voice over is custom, but it is something we are looking to add in for automated voiceovers for any video.

Yes, the voice you hear narrating is all computer generated from a text script using an AI-based text to speech engine.  Our inspiration for this was the Val Kilmer documentary of his life – because of his throat cancer, Val was unable to clearly speak for the documentary, but as you can hear in the promo video, it’s his voice, which was synthesized specifically for the documentary.   Well, we took this text script that was created using Google Docs, shared with the Cone Team for edits, and then the voice over was generated and added to the video…again the base video media was generated from the built-in FloorPlanOnline video editor.

The question for you – is this feature something you would want and use on your virtual tour videos?  

We are contemplating providing a service to do this in phase I, and then provide a more integrated way to generate the voice over through the edit video tool in Phase II, if phase I is successful and desired from a customer perspective.  Please view the video and let us know your thoughts via our survey.  Your answers can help shape how we move forward with this voice over feature.

View the video & complete our short survey

Want different voices?

We could also allow you to select different voices.  Hear the description of our 3D Walkthrough Tour by Ava, one of the virtual voices.  She sounds pretty darn good.  Do you agree?

Embed on your Blog or Website

You can also view the whole tour through the embedded tour below.  Just click any media button to get started.

As a side note, if you have a blog, we highly recommend you do something similar each time you get a listing.  The listing and tour is great content for your blog or your social media channels, so leverage it.  Send an email to your base, directing them to your blog post.

All you need to do to embed the whole tour into your website is use this “iframe code” on your site. Most blogs allow you to embed youtube videos or other content.  Our tour can be just some of that content.   You can even just copy and paste this code – just replace the tour ID that is bolded with your tour ID.  Note it uses the TOUR format, which is a fixed frame.  replace the word tour with story and you embed the single property page version (although because you have to scroll it is not recommended for embedding).

<iframe name=”tour” src=”” frameborder=”1″ width=”100%” height=”675″></iframe>

You can also add a link or button to the full tour like we did below.

See the Story of this Home in a separate tab.

HomeDiary for your Clients

HomeDiary for your Clients

HomeDiary is a home management system created by FloorPlanOnline.  The content created for the listing lives on for both the buyer and the seller, as a management tool, and keepsake, respectively.  Each home can be claimed by both the Buyer and the Seller right from the virtual tour. 

In this webinar, we do a deep dive into what HomeDiary is and how it can work for you.  Did I mention it was free?

Edit Your Slideshow Video

Edit Your Slideshow Video

Check out the 5 minute overview on how to edit your video on demand.
Did you know that your slideshow video is completely editable, including the music, transitions, and what content shows?  Plus you can add your own video clips or photos, and even add handy text explainer slides.

See our brief 5 minute overview video on how to edit your slideshow video and create a new version within minutes.  No one else has such a powerful video tool, and it is all in your hands for fast and convenient edits! 

Please let us know if you have feedback, comments or suggestions as it relates to the video tool, or anything else.  Use our form to send your comments. 

HomeDiary for All

HomeDiary for All

We have opened things up so now any FloorPlanOnline user can leverage our homeowner platform, HomeDiary, and provide it as a gift to all of your clients.

See the video for what HomeDiary is and what it can do for you to stay in front of your clients – sellers, buyers and all of your past clients.  This provides a great reason to reach out to now with a free gift for them.  It should be available before the end of November. Enjoy!

Floor Plans more valued than photos?

Floor Plans more valued than photos?

Zillow Buyers Rank Floor Plans #1

more important than photos, almost 2x more important than video

According to Zillow research, 58% of buyers rank the ability to view a floor plan of the home online while shopping for a property as extremely or very important. A total of 84% of buyers view floor plans is as important. What’s really surprising is floor plans outscored professional photos and videos. Only 46% of buyers said photos were extremely or very important.  Only 28% think viewing a video is very or extremely important. See the Power of Plans presentation to see how floor plans can take your listing marketing to the next level.

– Select the Play button to view the presentation – 

We help you get more Leads, Listings & Repeat Business

The photos, tools and presentations that FloorPlanOnline and their incredible photographer, Joel, provide have absolutely helped take our business to the next level this past year.  On more than one occasion we have had listings in close proximity of other similar listings in a neighborhood and each time we have drawn much larger crowds to our open houses and garnered much higher selling prices than the others.  Having FloorPlanOnline tours to show our clients has definitely helped us land listings, sell homes faster & for more money, and been a wonderful keepsake for our sellers after the closing.

Cynthia Harper

Broker, Windermere Real Estate

Get a floor plan for your next listing

Get the listing and sell them faster, and for more money with the FloorPlanOnline Platform.

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